Non-metal Fixed Ceramic Bridges

Non-metal fixed ceramic bridges are restorative dental appliances used to replace missing teeth. They consist of one or more prosthetic teeth attached to adjacent healthy teeth using a ceramic bridge. This type of bridge is made of high-quality ceramic materials that are durable, biocompatible, and aesthetic. Non-metal fixed ceramic bridges are an excellent choice for patients who want a long-lasting and natural-looking tooth replacement option.

Who is eligible for the bridges?

Non-metal fixed ceramic bridges are ideal for patients who have missing and healthy adjacent teeth. During the consultation, our dentist in Kendall, FL, will evaluate the patient’s oral health and determine if they are a good candidate for this restorative treatment option. Non-metal fixed ceramic bridges are a popular choice for patients who prefer a natural-looking and long-lasting tooth replacement option.

What are the benefits?

Non-metal fixed ceramic bridges can benefit patients in numerous ways, such as:
At Galloway Dental Associates, we offer non-metal fixed ceramic bridges as part of our restorative dentistry services. Our experienced and skilled team of dental professionals will work with patients to customize a treatment plan that meets their individual needs and goals. We use the latest technology and techniques to ensure that our patients receive the highest quality dental care possible.