Composite Restorations

Dental composite restorations, commonly known as tooth-colored fillings, are a popular and aesthetically pleasing option for repairing damaged or decayed teeth. Made from a mixture of resin, glass, or ceramic particles, these restorations blend seamlessly with the natural tooth color, making them virtually invisible. This dental procedure is a safe, effective, and less invasive alternative to traditional amalgam fillings, providing both functional and cosmetic benefits.

Who is eligible for composite restorations?

Most people are eligible for composite restorations, as long as their teeth are healthy enough to support it. Before it is placed, your dentist in Kendall, FL, will typically evaluate the health of the tooth to determine if you a good candidate for the procedure.
However, composite restorations are not recommended for patients with extensive decay or damage to the tooth- they may require more extensive restorative procedures like crowns or root canals. Also, patients with certain medical conditions or who take certain medications may not be eligible for the restorations. Consult your dentist in Miami, FL, to know about your eligibility.

Types of Preventive Dentistry

Composite restorations offer several benefits compared to other types of dental restorations:
Composite restorations offer a highly effective and versatile solution for repairing dental damage and restoring the appearance and function of teeth, while preserving as much natural tooth structure as possible. Call us at (305) 271-0861 to know more about the procedure.