Dentist in Kendall, FL


Dental trauma refers to any injury to the teeth, gums, lips, tongue, or jaw that results in damage or displacement of teeth, cuts or lacerations, fractures, or dislocations. Dental trauma can occur due to accidents, falls, sports injuries, or physical altercations. When dental trauma occurs, it is essential to seek emergency dental care promptly to minimize the risk of further damage or complications.

Handling emergency dental trauma

Our dentists in Miami, FL, are trained to handle dental emergencies, including dental trauma, with specialized equipment and techniques to ensure the best possible outcomes for their young patients.

What are the steps to manage dental trauma?

The following are some of the steps our emergency dentists in Kendall, FL, take to manage dental trauma in children:
If dental trauma occurs, it is crucial to seek emergency dental care promptly to ensure the best possible outcome and prevent further damage or complications. Contact us at (305) 271-0861 if you face any such issues.